Each city has its own unique approach depending on who we are working with in that area, our next city in this campaign is Bath - and we are making amazing progress!

 In Bath we are working with a collation of schools from the Bath and BANES area and the children are creating their own campaign aimed at the future generations of the region. So far we have been working with the children to collect the signatures of their fellow students and have 2000 to date, they have also written and presented talks, held events and questioned the local politicians on the issue. 

The children of Kingswood school have been very involved and are leading workshops and hosting fundraising events around the city to raise awareness and collect petition signatures.


For the second year in a row Fin Fighters were invited to speak at the 2015 Youth Climate Summit in Bath, we spoke at length about our campaigns and encouraged involvement from the schools in attendance. We worked cooperatively with a group in a workshop on how to put elements of our Fin Fighters Bath campaign in to action!

 Our team of young Fin Fighters asked all the MP candidates present to support the Condemnation in Bath by signing the petition and to pledge their support to our ‪#‎FF2023‬ parliamentary campaign. 
THIS WAS EPIC!!! By empowering the children to raise their voice and actively engage in politics we made huge strides in one day.

With the support of all the political parties Bath is now looking set to become the second city in our Fin Fighter mission - We will be presenting our motion to the city council very soon.